Discover the reflection of a rich history of styles north of the Rivierenhof

Architecture walk - Deurne-North

Location: Parking in front of District House Deurne (Hooftvunderlei)
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Want to discover Deurne's rich architectural history? Then sign up for our fascinating walk north of the Rivierenhof! During this tour, you will be taken on a journey through the many modern architectural styles that emerged between the two world wars. 

The architects of the time find their way among the many trends. Pre-war eclectic elegance still shimmers here and there. Art deco with its many interpretations flourishes. From the Netherlands, you see inspiration from brick architecture on the one hand and Dudok's modernism on the other. Le Corbusier-inspired functionalist architecture gets a place but is also reinterpreted.

Gaston Eysselinck, Rik Jacops, Eduard Van Steenbergen, John Van Zeeland and many others make this interwar architecture truly valuable. How one deals with these valuable properties in times of sustainable and environmentally friendly building is commented on....

Are you also a fan of architecture? Would you like to know more about the exceptional homes built north of Park Rivierenhof? Immodôme is pleased to invite you to an architecture walk together with Georges Goffin and Nel Lernout, architecture experts and experienced guides.


  • Sunday 27 October 2024
  • Start walk at the car park in front of District House Deurne (Hooftvunderlei): at 10 a.m. or 2 p.m.
  • Register in good time, places are limited.