Amiable, enthusiastic, precise and always smiling, these are some key words that describe Ann. Negotiating and bringing together commercial contacts are no strangers after her years of experience in sales. Ann looks after the properties in the southern outskirts of Antwerp with great affection.
After 19 years working in various sales positions for the same multinational, Ann was itching to take up a new professional challenge. An admirer of Immodôme, she saw the ideal combination here: years of commercial skills combined with her personal passion for aesthetics and interiors by selling stylish properties.
With her husband, Martijn, and two sons, Vince and Alec, Ann lives in the Pulhof neighbourhood. There, they bought an old mansion by architect Guillaume Peeters from 1928 and renovated it over the years, preserving the authentic elements that typified their home.
On weekends, Ann and her family enjoy fanning out by the sea, encouraging her children from the sidelines of the football pitch or hitting a ball on the tennis court.
But absolutely at the top of her wish list are faraway trips with her family - preferably with a touch of adventure - skiing, sailing with friends and city trips with the girlfriends.